Various Concrete Repair Methods

Concrete Repairing

Various Concrete Repair Methods

In today’s environmentally conscious society, many companies are using new methods of Concrete Repairing that do not involve the use of harsh chemicals. Using concrete crack repair coating products is just one such method. This Concrete Repairing is being done mainly to provide a better surface and protection to Concrete surfaces.

One of the most common problems in Concrete Repairing is that of small cracks or breaches in the Concrete surface. Small cracks or breaches can lead to larger structural damage if left untreated. The conventional Concrete Repairing methods include a curing agent and a penetrating or ‘drying’ agent. Curing agents form a protective coating on the Concrete surface; however, the curing agents are usually harsh and can cause irreparable damage to the Concrete surface when used repetitively over a long period of time. It is for this reason, that many modern day concrete crack repair techniques employ a revolutionary new Concrete crack repair technique which does not require the use of harsh Concrete Repairing cappings or coatings.

A Concrete crack repair method that does not require the use of an agent is known as tensile strengthening. Tensile strengthening involves the application of a coating of a highly heat resistant material to Concrete. This coating is designed to strengthen the Concrete, without the need for the use of an agent. Once the coating has been applied, the repairing process is carried out by the use of an electrochemical charger, which melts and seals the bonding agents in the Concrete. The repairing process is complete, when the concrete and the bonded agent completely cure and harden.

The curing or hardening of Concrete makes it extremely strong and durable. Concrete Repairing using Tensile strengthening methods are highly effective at repairing small cracks and breaches in Concrete structures. Concrete Repairing with the use of tensile strengthening methods, have no negative impact on the aesthetic aspect of any Concrete structure. Unlike other forms of Concrete Repairing, Tense strengthening methods do not damage the look of the Concrete structures. Concrete Repairing using Tensile strengthening methods, is also extremely cost effective. Concrete Repairing using Concrete Repairing methods is capable of repairing cracks in Concrete structures ranging from small to large sized cracks.

Bonded patching is another Concrete Repairing method and is used to repair cracks in Concrete structures that do not affect the structural integrity of the concrete structure. In a Bonded Patch, a Teflon coated patch is applied over the damaged area, so that it prevents further contamination of the rest of the surface. The Teflon layer acts like a barrier to Concrete’s adhesion properties, so that any further moisture or impact is absorbed by the Teflon coating and does not pass through the Concrete. After the patching is done, a heavy duty repair concrete patching glue is used to permanently fasten the patched area to the surface preparation. Bonded patching is a preferred Concrete Repairing method because of its high level of flexibility and ease of application.

Dry packing is another Concrete Repairing method that is used to fill small voids in Concrete structure. This is a simple and effective Concrete Repair method as the techniques used are simple and easy to follow. In dry packing process, a thin layer of Concrete powder or mud is mixed with fine grit sandpaper and then packed into the tiny hole. If required, the Concrete can also be wet packed using an epoxy resin.

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