Polyurea Coating Services

When looking at polyurea spray foam insulation kits there are many factors that you should consider before buying one. Durability. Polyurea isn’t a very expensive material with a very high degree of thermal resistance, which makes it perfect for tough working conditions such as truck bed liners. It’s also extremely water and organic resistant as well. Low temperature tolerance. Polyurea coating is suitable for use over a wide range of temperatures, often up to 300 degrees F with some specific coatings, without losing its structure or protective properties.

polyurea coating

How do you know if polyurea spray foam insulation will work for your application? Most polyurea spray products are available in multiple size, density and thicknesses. Diameters of polyurea spray sheets are typically six inches per inch. As a general rule thickness of an item polyurea coating, the greater the temperature your truck bed liner spray application, the thicker the coat. If the polyurea coating is too thin you’ll get little or no benefit at all.

Polyurea coatings are also great at resisting corrosion, rusting, mildew and corrosion of any kind. Coatings resist corrosion because polyurea coatings are formed with an electrostatic charge that acts like a charge shield around the particles. These particles adhere to the electrostatic charge and don’t move, so they stay firmly in place. This electrostatic charge protection is especially important for bed linings that are subjected to salt spray or any other type of corrosive treatment because the corrosive agents can penetrate through even good quality polyurea coating coatings, leaving behind a brittle salt spray coating that is just as easily chipped or damaged as any other coating. Other types of protective coatings are not as effective against corrosive exposure, or they don’t last nearly as long.

The polyurea coating is made from a combination of polyurethane resins and isocyanate esters. Polyurethane is the building blocks of modern day auto body shops and many other industrial applications including automotive bumpers, engine parts and the bumpers on boats, trucks and recreational vehicles. Isocyanate esters are added to polyurethane to create a hard resin type of polyurea coating. This polyurea coating is further treated with isocyanate to form an injection lube like texture which is beneficial for the purposes of resisting corrosion, heat and moisture.

There are two primary polyurea coating applications. The first application is the high heat cure polyurea liquid or foam which is often applied to bumpers, and the isocyanate ester formulations are injected into polyurethane. Both applications result in high heat resistance abilities that help the products resist damage from both direct and indirect impact. The second application is the cold process polyurea spray or powder which is applied to bumpers or other materials at room temperature. Cold process applications result in superior stiffness and durability from a lower amount of heat exposed to the material.

Polyureas are formulated using two types of chemicals reaction: a simple isocyanate chemical reaction, and a complex isocyanate chemical reaction. Simple isocyanate chemical reactions create a monomeric amine which reacts with the sugars of the polyurea coating. This amine is a weak acid which breaks down the external sheath around the metal by releasing the charge to allow penetration into the interior of the metal. This penetrating amine can be removed through either a heat compression method, or a mechanical scraping method. Mechanical scraping is preferred over heat compression because the amine-eliminated polyurea coating does not heat up in use and does not require a cooling off period.

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